Middle Grade

For Middle-Graders

(Ages 9 through 12)

For young adult readers see farther down


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The Day My Parents Became My Kids: This middle-grade book asks, what if kids were in charge of their parents? Piper’s world changed after her run-in with the Northern Lights. Now, she and her younger brother can boss their parents around, take away their television and cell phone privileges, and even ground them! They can put their teachers in timeout, insist on better grades, and force the principal to swap places with them to rule the school. It all seems like a more perfect world — that is, until the parents really screw it up. Middle grade Ages 9-12.


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Eric Prinzul, Earth Princess: According to alien reports, all girls on Earth are Princesses; but not to sixth-grader Eric Prinzul. He thinks girls were put on Earth to be bullied. An alien substitute teacher witnesses his bad behavior toward his female classmates and turns him into a girl. The alien tells him that as soon as Eric feels comfortable with being a girl, he’ll change back. In the meantime, he must start over in a new school and, along the way, develop a healthy respect for girls, or else stay one for all time! Middle grade Ages 9-12.


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The Crystal Kingdom: Edie is having a really bad day. After moving to northern New Hampshire, she starts a new school … one month before summer vacation! She sits next to the best-looking boy in the seventh grade, but he thinks she’s ugly. After her first day at school, weird goons kidnap her and threaten to harm her family unless she retrieves a citrine crystal hidden in a cave on the other side of her cellar wall … and there’s no door! She has only six days to save her family … or else! Middle Grade Ages 9-12.


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Who Rules the Universe? Girls Versus Boys: This middle-grade story involves a journey through a magical land called Everlasting – one girl versus three boys. Who can prove which gender has the right to rule the universe? Girls will feel good about the science behind the race, for it favors them. Can boys overcome their handicap? Middle Grade Ages 9-12.


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To Be a Gypsy: Twelve-year-old Sunita hates her Gypsy heritage and discovers that her widowed father will take her to Romania for the summer. She rebels, but spending the night with Gypsy relatives changes her mind. However, after she is thrown in jail and witnesses firsthand how other Romanians discriminate against Gypsies, she turns against her heritage again. Only her father, Gypsy cousins, and their village neighbors have a chance to change her mind again. Middle grade Ages 9-12.


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The Code of Abubasi: Overly-shy twelve-year-old, Andralina, visits her aunt and uncle for the summer and befriends an abused “Mountain” girl, Nevada Darling. Together they work at cracking Nevada’s coded letter left by her deceased mother hoping it will solve the mystery of what Nevada’s father is hiding in a cave. They unleash the father’s insane plan to revenge his wife’s death on the Colorado town. But Andralina has an edge, and she and Nevada launch a plan that might stop the crazed madman. Middle grade Ages 9 to 12.


For Young Adults

(Ages 12 and up)


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A Heathen Among Fundamentalists: “Can’t everybody just get along?” Haven’t we all heard that before? Don’t too many people size others up from a distance and pigeonhole them in one category or another without getting to know them first? When an orphaned agnostic teenage girl enters a right-wing fundamentalist home for a trial adoption period, stereotypes abound as an unintentional “Pollyanna” meets “Inherit the Wind.”


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